●Material. High-quality sunscreen fabric is light and breathable.
●color. Dark colors provide better UV protection than light colors, and dark red and navy blue protect better than other colors
●Label. Regular anti-ultraviolet products 40+ or 50+, the higher the UPF value, the better the anti-ultraviolet effect.
●The finer the texture of the sun protection clothing, the less light is transmitted, and the better the sun protection effect.
Compared with sunscreen and sunscreen spray, sunscreen clothes have the advantages of convenient use and no need to remove makeup. But not all products on the market known as "sun protection clothing" have effective outdoor sun protection effects, which mainly depends on factors such as the material, color, thickness, and density of the clothing fabric.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a product with a UPF value greater than 30 and a UVA transmittance less than 5% can be called a "UV resistant product", which means that only those who meet these two standards are eligible to be called a "sunscreen suit". In addition, in outdoor scenarios such as sweating and wading, the theoretical sun protection index of some sun protection clothing may decrease due to fabric reasons.
Contacts: Junkay Lee
Tel/WhatsApp: +86 13902424682
Email: junkaylee@derysport.com
Address: No. 201, Workshop of Shengping Industrial Co., Dong Po Da Shan Yuan, Zhangcha